Midland Counties Norfolk Terriers Association
How to Join the Club
You are welcome to apply for membership of the Midland Counties Norfolk Terrier Association. The Membership Application Form link is below and send it with the appropriate fees to the Association's Membership Secretary.
Membership application form-

The subscription period for membership is 1 January to 31 December.
Subscriptions will be payable on 1 January each year.
For anyone joining between 1st October and 31st December in any year, the first subscription will cover membership until 31st December the following year.
The annual subscription will be
Single - £9.00
Joint - £12.00

Each member aged 16 years or over has voting rights and will receive an individual ballot paper for committee and other
Payment in Sterling please

Cheques and Postal Orders to be made payable to Midland Counties Norfolk Terrier Association not MCNTA.
Please note that membership will lapse if subscriptions are in arrears at the end of February. Please ensure all parts of the form are completed in full.

In signing the application form please be aware that you are committing to adhere to the KC Code of Ethics, a copy of which is available on this site.
Acceptance of your application is subject to ratification by the Committee.
Please complete in block capitals and send to:

Club Membership
Miss Melissa Davis
2 Harbour Court
PE16 6QT
Telephone: 07544 556526
Standing Orders

Paying your annual subscription by Standing Order saves you having to send it each year and avoids the possibility of your membership lapsing. It also saves the club time and money in not having to send out extra reminders. If you wish to pay in this way please contact Melissa Davis for a copy of the form.
