Midland Counties Norfolk Terriers Association
Open show
10th October 2020
Judge Mrs Rachel Barney
Best In show
Watercroft Crafty Tipple

Reserve Best In Show and Best Dog
Belleville Way Cool

Best Puppy In Show
Watercroft Spotted Dick

Best Veteran In show
Ch Watercroft Top Tia

Best Special Beginner In Show
Watercroft Golden Spice

Full Results:
Class 1- Special Beginners dog (3,1)
1. Mrs A Hadfield- Belleville Born To Be Free
2. Miss L V Powell- Watercroft Brown Boots
Class 2- Minor Puppy Dog (1,0)
1.Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Spotted Dick BPD, BPIS
Class 3- Puppy Dog (0)
Class 4- Junior Dog (5,1)
1.Mrs C S Thompson- Morgan- Belleville Way Cool BD, RBIS
2. Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Boozy Miller
3. Mrs S Walsh- Beritas Part Time Lover
4. Miss L V Powell- Watercroft Brown Boots
Class 5- Post Graduate Dog (4,2)
1. Mrs A Hadfield- Belleville Born To Be Free
2. Mrs B, Mr R J and Miss J V Mullan and McFadden-Watercroft Pop Muzik At Tamodan
Class 6- Limit Dog (3,0)
1. Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Calling Card JW RBD
2. Mrs R Gee-Watercroft Brown Sugar
3. Mrs S Walsh- Beritas The Name's Bond
Class 7- Open Dog (3,1)
1. Mrs A C Smith- Javidel Despicable May
2. Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan- Belleville Crumble Topping
Class 8- Veteran Dog (0)
Class 9- Special beginners bitch (3,2)
1. Mr D Walker- Watercroft Golden Spice BSB
Class 10- Minor Puppy Bitch (2,0)
1. Mrs J R Stevenson- Brickin Heart of Gold
2. Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan- Belleville Baby Love
Class 11- Puppy Bitch (2,0)
1. Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Neatly Putte
2. Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan- Belleville Plum Jelly
Class 12- Junior Bitch (4,1)
1. Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Crafty Tipple BB, BIS
2. Mrs J R Stevenson- Brickin Tell Me All BPB
3. Mr D Walker- Watercroft Golden Spice
Class 13- Post Graduate Bitch (3,1)
1. Mr B J Brackner- Bruperhat Wedding Crasher RBB
2. Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Band of Gold
Class 14- Limit bitch (0)
Class 15- Open Bitch (1,0)
1. Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan- CH Belleville in The Black
Class 16- Veteran BItch (2,0)
1. Mrs R Gee- Ch Watercroft Top Tia BVIS
2. Mrs A C Smith- Ch Javidel Definitely Maybe
Championship show
10th October 2020
Judge Mr Max King
Best In Show
Watercroft Crafty Tipple

Reserve Best In Show and Best Opposite Sex
Belleville Crumble topping

Best Puppy In Show
Watercroft Sticky Toffee

Best Veteran In Show
CH Javidel Definitely Maybe

Best Special Beginner In Show
Belleville Born to Be Free

Full Results:
Class 1- Special Beginners dog (2,1)
1. Mrs A Hadfield- Belleville Born To Be Free BSBIS
Class 2- Minor Puppy Dog (1,0)
1.Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Spotted Dick BPD, BPIS
Class 3- Puppy Dog (0)
Class 4- Junior Dog (4,1)
1.Mrs C S Thompson- Morgan- Belleville Way Cool
2. Mrs S Walsh- Beritas Part Time Lover
3. Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Boozy Miller
Class 5- Yearling Dog (1,0)
Class 6- Post Graduate Dog (3,1)
1. Mrs A Hadfield- Belleville Born To Be Free
2. Mrs B, Mr R J and Miss J V Mullan and McFadden-Watercroft Pop Muzik At Tamodan
Class 7- Limit Dog (3,0)
1. Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Calling Card JW RDCC
2. Mrs R Gee-Watercroft Brown Sugar
3. Mrs S Walsh- Beritas The Name's Bond
Class 8- Open Dog (2,0)
1. Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan- Belleville Crumble Topping DCC, RBIS
2. Mrs A C Smith- Javidel Despicable May
Class 9- Veteran Dog (0)
Class 10- Special beginners bitch (4,2)
1. Miss E Mitchell- Watercroft Hot Air
2. Mr D Walker- Watercroft Golden Spice
Class 11- Minor Puppy Bitch (3,0)
1. Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Sticky Toffee BPB
2. Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan- Belleville Baby Love
3. Mrs J R Stevenson- Brickin Heart of Gold
Class 12- Puppy Bitch (2,0)
1. Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan- Belleville Plum Jelly
2. Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Neatly Putte
Class 13- Junior Bitch (4,1)
1. Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Crafty Tipple BCC, BIS
2. Mrs J R Stevenson- Brickin Tell Me All
3. Mr D Walker- Watercroft Golden Spice
Class 14- Yearling Bitch (1,0)
1. Mrs R Gee- Watercroft Band of Gold
Class 15- Post Graduate Bitch (1,0)
1. Mr B J Brackner- Bruperhat Wedding Crasher
Class 16- Limit bitch (0)
Class 17- Open Bitch (2,0)
1. Mrs C S Thompson-Morgan- CH Belleville in The Black RBCC
2. Mrs R Gee- Ch Watercroft Pink FIzz
Class 16- Veteran BItch (2,1)
1. Mrs A C Smith- Ch Javidel Definitely Maybe BVIS
Show Report from the chairman Mrs Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Thanks to the enormous positive will of all those involved in planning and running our event on Saturday 10 October it passed off safely and without incident. Exhibitors,spectators, officials and judges all enjoyed it. It was great to be able to do something “normal” all be it in a slightly different way. Even the weather was kind as despite rain being forecast we escaped all bar a few spots towards the end.
Our Championship show should have been held in November but was brought forward and was followed by our Open Show which was delayed from March. Right to the last minute the event was in doubt, trying to ensure all permissions were in place and all rules adhered to. The cancellation of another breed club show due to take place on the day after ours made us re visit all areas again in the last 2 days toensure we really had covered everything. Only at 5pm the night before did we agree to proceed.
The entry for the Ch show of 32 dogs (34 entries) was below our normal average of around 50 dogs but still well above normal entries for the more distant General Chshows. We were anxious not to put a show on only for committee members and would have cancelled if the entry had not been good enough.
The first decision was to hold the event outside as it made managing the risks so much easier, especially with a small committee. We normally expect around 50 people at a breed club show and to restrict the number inside to just 30 was felt to be unworkable with any show atmosphere and enjoyment lost by ushering people in and out. Having it outside on private land meant we did not have to worry about a venue cancelling on us and if we had to cancel there was no deposit to lose. We could also be flexible on dates should local restrictions force postponement. The size of the venue meant there was room for exhibitors to park around the edges of the field well away from each other and dogs were kept in or near vehicles when not in the ring. Everyone could see what was happening all the time.
The support from our judges and Bassetlaw District Council were key factors in proceeding as well as The Kennel Club who dealt in a prompt manner with some specific concerns that arose during the planning. The council approved our COVID risk assessment and the police were happy so issued an incident number for us. The presence as a steward of Kennel Club Deputy Chairman Dr Ian Gabriel, a senior medic, gave us additional confidence that we could do it safely.
We had many offers of help providing gazebos and stewards. Additional instructions were issued in advance to judges and stewards so that they knew what was expected of them on the day to keep everyone safe. We had issued instructions to exhibitors with the schedule, but these were updated nearer to the show and emailed to all exhibitors. Spectators were asked to pre register in order to control numbers and to ensure that when watching judging they were standing or sitting at least 2m back from the edge of the ring. Track and trace details were taken from everyone. I wont repeat all of the measures in place as the Britany Club covered many in their show report last week and much is in the KC Guidance for the Resumption of
licenced events, however we added hand sanitising stations at both entry and exit points to the ring to give added protection to the judge and exhibitors. Exhibitors had to use the correct entry/exit point. Exhibitors, judge and stewards were not allowed in the ring without a face covering. Exhibitors had to keep at least 2m away from any other exhibitor or steward whilst in the ring. For this reason we needed a large ring.
Exhibitors showed the dog’s teeth to the judges who stood back from the table when looking at teeth and exhibitors were asked to stand as far back as possible whilst the judge examined the dogs on the table to try and maintain at least 1m distance between exhibitor and judge. We used 3 ring stewards, the 3 rd steward being responsible for sanitising the table between each dog and ensuring the judge sanitised their hands at the beginning of each class and after each dog. No awards board was used to eliminate handling of awards slips and a possible pinch point.
Results were posted on the club’s facebook page. In addition we did not serve food, hold a raffle or have any trade stands other than the photographer Tony Minett.
Our brilliant COVID officer and show manager Graham Hadfield took on the onerous task of ensuring all our COVID policies were adhered to throughout the day and ensured all track and trace information was obtained, that vehicles were parked well apart and that everyone followed the distancing rules including the rule of 6.
We could not have done it without the unstinting support of both of our judges Max King and Rachel Barney who despite numerous changes of date and venue have backed us throughout the planning process and encouraged us not to give up.
Special mention for our fantastic stewards Ian Gabriel, Tania Gardener and Carmel Oneil who kept us all in line, making sure we all followed the rules and kept us safe whilst in the ring on top of their normal stewarding duties. Now more than ever efficient, diligent stewards are a must for the successful running of a show. Towards the end of the day it was becoming second nature to follow the rules and didn’t impede on enjoyment of the event.
I can’t deny that it has been a long and tortuous process throughout which difficult decisions have been made. A minority of three committee members felt unable to support the show going ahead and the Kennel Club agreed they could be removed from the joint and several liability for the organisation of the show. One of these, our President Sue McCourt, said “I was very impressed with the way Ruth took all my worries on board and checked with the appropriate people and departments to make sure they where happy. I was still very concerned and would make the same decision again if the show was going to take place this weekend although I miss seeing my Norfolk friends”.
The remaining committee have, as always, pulled together to get it done and I thank them. In particular: Secretary Ruth Gee who must have made hundreds of phone calls , chasing down options, badgering for responses not to mention providing the venue. (Thanks to Patrick Gee for preparing the ground to a standard higher than many general ch shows): Treasurer Andrea Smith who never gave up hope, berated us when we had doubts, provided much of the signage and sourced the much appreciated Judge’s and Steward’s pre packed lunches and: Alison Hadfield whokept us all going with her positive can do attitude and beaming smile, sourcing last minute supplies as well as providing our COVID officer.
Finally thanks to all those exhibitors and spectators who came on the day. It was great to see so many familiar faces after such a long time, some of whom travelled a considerable distance all in need of their “dog show fix”. For those whose individual circumstances made it difficult to make the commitment to attend we missed you and hope that you can gain some confidence from the safe way in which it was run.
To be honest the results are incidental. I am just so proud of our committee and breed as well as all our friends who helped on the day and who enabled us to pull this off. I don’t want to see another COVID risk assessment for quite some time!!
I really hope we have given some inspiration to other Breed Clubs or perhaps Group societies to give it a go as I genuinely believe it will be quite some time before large general shows will be able to go ahead. Our COVID risk assessment and additional instructions to Judges and Stewards are available on the society’s web site, should they be of use to other societies.
Cathy Thompson-Morgan Chairman